LFHW Crumpet French Toast | Love Food Hate Waste Wales

Crumpet French Toast

LFHW - Scotland
10 - 20 mins

French Toast is a great way to use up bread that's past its best - but it works for a variety of bakery items including brioche buns, panettone and hot cross buns! We're currently obsessed with using crumpets, which perfectly soak up all the flavour of the egg mix. Weekend breakfast - sorted.

4 crumpets
2 eggs
100ml semi-skimmed milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ tsp cinnamon
20g butter
1 tsp light frying oil
Serve with your choice of toppings e.g. frozen berry compote, fresh fruit (bananas/strawberries), jam, greek yogurt and honey, maple or golden syrup
Using a balloon whisk or fork, whisk the eggs, milk, cinnamon and vanilla in a wide shallow bowl or dish.
Add the crumpets (working in batches , if needed) allowing them to soak for a minute or so each side.
Heat the butter and a little oil in a non-stick frying pan.
Fry the crumpets for 2 or 3 minutes on each side, until golden brown.
Serve with your favorite toppings.